Every time we engage in a situation we have expectations, thoughts and assumptions that precede the event. These are, oftentime, rooted in previous experience. They create a sense of comfort and guide us as we move through this world. It is why we are not like children experiencing every thing with awe for the first time and not knowing what to do. However, what we may not realize is that our expectations prior to and during the event actually will change the outcome for better or worse.
For example, you are invited to a relative's home for a party. Typically these parties are boring and a waste of your time. For two weeks prior to the event you complain about having to go. When the party is over, you feel like it was boring and a waste of time. If however, beforehand, you had thought "I will enjoy myself and make the best of it," you probably would have. Our expectations become somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just as we can think negatively about a situation, we can also think positively, whether we believe it to be true or not.
To change your experiences to be more positive and successful, your expectations or thoughts should reflect the desired outcome before as you prepare for the event or activity. This can be a very powerful tool for lifestyle change. Think about your thoughts regarding lifestyle change, especially if you have tried and failed many times. Are they positive, negative or indifferent. What about exercise? When you change your thoughts you are more likely to achieve what it is you desire. Whether or not you believe it, just think, say or write it. Below are a few examples to get you going.
- Before you start exercising and during the exercise, say to yourself or out loud any of the following:
- I am as light as a feather, this is easy!
- I look forward to working out.
- Exercise is going to make me feel great
- I am physically fit and can do this.
- There is nothing more important than my daily workout.
- Before you eat, say to yourself one of the following:
- This meal is going to satisfy me.
- This meal is delicious and exactly what I wanted
- I am going to enjoy this meal and be completely satisfied.
- A small amount of food is all I need.
- When you wake up, before your day gets started
- This is going to be a great day
- I am going to accomplish everything I desire today
- There is no better day than today
- Thank you for this wonderful day
- Before and during a clothes shopping trip
- I am beautiful and everything is going to fit me
- I will find the perfect outfit for myself today
- I will find exactly what I need
- The perfect outfit is waiting for me
The bottom line is, negativity, hesitation, or doubt brings more negativity, hesitation and doubt. Shoulding, cannot'ing, musting, doubting, and can't standing keeps us stuck and often brings about more guilt, frustration and defeat. Start by thinking in terms of can, will, and do.
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