Have you heard of the following statement: “fewer calories in plus more calories out equals weight loss?” Well, not only is this an often repeated statement, it is a scientific fact! You can actually super size your weight loss results with increased physical activity or exercise. Exercise or daily physical activity, in general, helps you lose weight by using calories that would otherwise be stored as fat as fuel. Exercise can also help prevent most, if not all, chronic diseases including: heart disease and stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and osteoporosis.
With all of these remarkable health benefits why not get started today? Unsure of how-try these simple ideas for starters:
• Dance to your favorite songs and burn approx. 202 calories per hour.
• Go for a walk and burn approx. 86 calories per hour.
• Mow the lawn and burn approx. 259 calories per hour.
• Play actively with your children and burn approx. 104 calories per hour.
• Clean your house and burn approx. 144 calories per hour.
• Go for a walk or tread water in the pool and burn approx. 173 calories per hour.
By simply increasing your activities of daily living such as those noted above, you can super size your weight loss results by increasing the amount of calories you burn throughout the day with little or no conscious effort!
*Caloric expenditure estimates obtained from www.fitday.com.
Article published by: Ellen Muhammad, Dietetic Intern
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