Thursday, August 9, 2012

A New Spin on Healthy School Lunches

You may soon be preparing your child for school with new clothes and schools supplies, but let’s not forget to shop for healthy foods to feed your young ones. Whether they are headed to preschool this year or their senior year of high school, it is key to get your children the right nutrients so they can stay focused and energized throughout the school year.

With childhood obesity on the rise, it is time for parents to take control of their children’s food choices. Packing a lunch each day for your children is a great start. Packing a healthy lunch filled with lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy will ensure your child is getting the nutrition he or she needs without all the extra calories, sodium and fat.

Here are some ways you can spice up your child’s lunch (and even your own!) while also packing in the nutrients.

Ø  Think outside the box when it comes to preparing sandwiches. Switch up your bread products (and aim for at least 3 grams of fiber per serving!). Try whole grain pitas, bagels, Sandwich Thins, or whole grain tortillas instead of plain white bread. (Many products have whole grain white products for children who don’t like the grainer products).
Ø  Add vegetables by adding some to the “sandwich” On the side, pack some sliced tomato, cucumbers, spinach or lettuce or even some avocado.
Ø  Aim for a fruit and/or vegetables in every lunch. Cut up fruit or vegetables and add a fun dip such as yogurt for fruit or light ranch for vegetables.
Ø  Don’t forget to add in some calcium! Calcium is a much needed nutrient for growing children. Toss in a yogurt, string cheese stick, slice of cheese on a sandwich or better yet, a carton of low fat milk.
Ø  For a side item if needed, watch the extra calories in chips and junk food. Instead opt for pretzels, goldfish, baked chips or Sun chips.
Ø  Add in a sweet note by adding a low fat pudding, Jell-O, Fig Newton’s, graham crackers, or pretzels dipped in dark chocolate

And let’s not forget, sometimes it’s all in the packaging! Try this new spin on lunch boxes called, Laptop Lunches ( Each lunchbox comes with dishwasher safe, BPA free plastic containers to package your child’s lunch and side items. No plastic baggies needed!

Packing lunches can take some time but once you get in a routine, lunches should take no more than 10-15 of prep time the night before school. By packing your child a healthy lunch (and sometimes afterschool snack as well) you are ensuring your child is getting the right nutrients for his or her growth

Kelly Devine, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, CPT

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