This weeks biggest loser give away is a pedometer. A pedometer, also known as a "step counter", is a device that counts the number of steps you take each day, based on the movement of your hips. It helps to track not only how much you move during your work out, but also helps quantify your Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) to maximize calories burned throughout the day.
*Fun Fact* Standing burns more calories than sitting. GET UP!!!
The recommended number of steps per day is 10,000, which is equivalent to about 5 miles! Increasing the amount of movement can help reduce risks for: heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Tips for Hitting 10,000
Take the stairs
Get a walking partner at work
Walk the dog (he/she has been waiting)
Get off a few stops earlier on the bus
When the phone rings, get up out of your chair
Walk to a colleague's office versus sending an email or calling
Repaint a room
Get up to change that channel on the TV
Take a few laps around the store before grabbing a cart
Integrate walking into your every day activities
Written by: Alyssa Picone, Dietetic Intern
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