Monday, May 30, 2011

Pan Seared Salmon with Citrus Salsa

Healthy Cook
Click on the link for the Pan Seared Salmon with Citrus Salsa recipe and two other fish entrees.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Burn extra calories without even trying!

Posted 4/25/2011 on

(CBS News) With summer right around the corner, you may be looking to shed some pounds, but you may not always have enough time to exercise or hit the gym. But on "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," Cynthia Sass, registered dietitian and author of "Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and Lose Inches," explained how to burn calories throughout your day: at the office, at home - even while you're asleep!

AT THE OFFICE: By cutting 100 calories per day, a person can lose 10 pounds in a year. That's the equivalent of 10 tubs of Crisco.

There's a new study out that explores the danger of prolonged sitting. Scientists now believe that "excessive sitting may be so taxing on our physical health that even a vigorous workout once a day can't really counteract the deleterious effects," says the Wall Street Journal.

But you can burn calories sitting at your desk by fidgeting, like tapping toes, moving around, or fussing with hands. That can burn off up to 800 extra calories per day, the equivalent of an hour-long spin class.

RELAXING: With a full night's sleep, you can burn around 200 calories.

Spend an hour typing on your computer: Keep those fingers flying for an hour and you just might burn 100 calories, or what you would burn by jumping rope for 10 minutes.

AT HOME: Cooking burns about 150 calories per hour! You can burn half of what you eat for dinner merely by cooking it yourself!

After dinner, loading the dishwasher for 30 minutes burns 105 calories, and washing them by hand eats up 160 calories.

You can also burn 72 calories while doing laundry. And ironing for 30 minutes burns about 70 calories and tones the muscles of the upper body. Stand up straight at the ironing board and press down firmly. Switch hands periodically so you don't overdevelop one arm.

An hour-long massage can burn more calories than you might think -- 230 calories -- the same as an hour of light weight training.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Make room on the grill for fruits and veggies

by Chris Bachman, R.D. Accessed on 4/25/11 from

Grilled vegetables are irresistibly tasty, healthy, easy to cook and offer countless options from which to choose. Once you grill vegetables, their ease and magnificent flavor will have you doing it again and again.

Grilled vegetables cook quickly so they retain their vitamin content. Direct flame and intense heat from grilling has been shown to create cancer-causing substances in meat. Marinating meat before grilling, as well as removing excess fat and turning frequently, can help reduce this risk. Grilled fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, do not form these undesirable substances.

The easiest way to grill vegetables is to simply brush them with olive oil to prevent them from sticking, turning until tender. For best results, your grill should be warm, but not hot as it would be for meat. You should be able to hold your hand over the grill for 5 seconds.

Marinades add flavor, nutrition and fragrance to any item you grill. Don't be afraid to forgo pre-made sauces and seasonings and make your own. Self-made sauces and seasonings are inexpensive, simple to make and add depth and uniqueness to a recipe without excess fat, sugar, sodium or calories.

A classic no-fail marinade uses olive oil and balsamic vinegar in equal parts or to taste. Be creative and add minced garlic, basil, oregano, marjoram, coriander, rosemary, thyme and black pepper or other herbs. Marinade vegetables for 5 to 30 minutes. Drain the vegetables well and grill, turning often for 10 minutes or until done. Lightly coat the cooking surface with oil to prevent sticking.

Read the entire article at

Monday, May 9, 2011

Quick and Easy Salmon Marinade

I often get asked how to cook fish. Cooking fish can be intimidating and many worry it will smell fishy in the house. I have not found these assumptions to be true. I am not a fish cooking expert, but learned how to work with fish. It was easier than I imagined. I started with the marinade below and advanced into other varieties of fish. This marinade has been a mainstay of my kitchen.

1 1/2 pounds salmon fillets
lemon pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste
salt to taste
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup vegetable oil

1. Season salmon fillets with lemon pepper, garlic powder, and salt.

2. In a small bowl, stir together soy sauce, brown sugar, water, and vegetable oil until sugar is dissolved. Place fish in a large resealable plastic bag with the soy sauce mixture, seal, and turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

3. Preheat grill for medium heat.

4. Lightly oil grill grate. Place salmon on the preheated grill, and discard marinade. Cook salmon for 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. If the fish has skin, remove the skin before eating.

5. Be Creative. I have also used this marinade on chicken and beef/chicken/tuna kabobs. It flavors vegetables as well.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Success Story: An interview with S.T.

I had the pleasure of interviewing S.T. about her success after bariatric surgery. She had her surgery in September of 2009 and has lost 103 pounds. She continues to lose weight weekly. S.T. will be speaking at support group on 5/9/11 at 6 pm.

T: Why did you decide to have Lap Band surgery?
S: I had tried everything and I needed to do something that was well researched and had minimal invasiveness.

T: What were your goals and expectations before the procedure?
S: They were high, but the preoperative classes helped me understand that I had to work hard to do my part.

T: How has your life changed after bariatric surgery?
S: I have increased energy and decreased fatigue. I am not as irritable. My breathing has improved and I do not need my asthma medication as much. It was the best decision I have ever made and if I could do it all over again I would.

T: What are the keys to your success?
S: I follow the rules, but not eating and drinking at the same time has been most helpful. At first I lost only 30 pounds and the weight kept going up and down. I was losing it much slower than I wanted. Then I spoke with Dr. Shayani who suggested I drink before I eat (not when I eat) or when I was hungry. Six months ago I took his advice and my appetite when down and I started losing weight.

It was important for me to focus on only 10 pounds at a time instead of my overall goal. When I looked at the big picture and the amount of weight I had to lose I would get depressed. Breaking it into 10 pound increments helped me feel like I was doing something and I became more focused.

The other key that has been important for me was to start exercising. I work out at least three days a week at the gym or with a video. Total body exercises have helped me to tone. In the summer I walk 3.5 miles outside.

T: I know you are busy, how do you fit in your workouts?

S: I work forty hours a week so it was tough. I get up early at 4:30 am because I learned that if I wait until after work it would not get done. It started with motivation, and now that I can walk I want to keep it going. I consider exercise personal time to focus on myself. I enjoy listening to my music and it is nice not to think about kids, college or bills. It is great.

T: Do you have any advice for someone who is stuck or frustrated with their progress after surgery?
S: Yes. Go back to the beginning and look at everything we learned. This includes no eating and drinking at the same time and cutting out junk from your diet.

T: What are some of the changes that you have made to be successful?
S: I have two kids in college and a senior in high school who still lives at home. They are all athletic and have helped me to eat healthier. Kool Aide, sweets and junk food are no longer in our home. I save desserts for special occasions only. Every week I like to try at least one new recipe. My favorite thus far has been parmesan tilapia. I increased the amount of fish chicken and turkey that I make and no longer fry foods.

T: Do you eat out?
S: I used to eat out every day. Now we only eat out one time per week. Champs is my favorite place to go. I typically order s sample platter. It is not the healthiest food, but now I can treat myself because I worry less about weight gain. There is a lot less guilt now compared to when I dieted.